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    Choose your targeted product from our list or tell us what you need if you cannot find the intended product or model.

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    Check the industry-competitive quote we send out for your order and determine if Voomig can be your partner.

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    Reconfirm the purchasing list with you-agreed pricing so that we can process the order immediately.

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    Track your order flexibly as we send you the tracking detail after the package is sent.

Warranty & Guarantee

If you encounter a defect or malfunction covered by this limited warranty and want to get the product repaired, please notify VOOMIG as soon as possible and use all reasonable means to protect the bathtub from additional damage.

Send the serial number of the bathtub (on the main box), a detailed description of the problem, and a picture of the problem part to VOOMIG. In accordance with our limited warranty policy, we will carry out after-sales support on the basis of proven purchase facts, defects or malfunctions.

Repair and replacement parts (including courier fees) are provided free of charge, but excluding the labor cost.

VOOMIG reserves the right to require customers to send back original damaged parts for inspection (the cost of returning the damaged parts is paid by the user / customer)

Get In Touch

*We respect your confidentiality and all
informations are protected.

Get Experience or Profits to the Fullest With Our Hot Tubs & Swim Spas

  • Free 24/7 consultation
  • In-stock model or custom design available
  • No MOQ required
  • 5-year warranty

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*We respect your confidentiality and all
informations are protected.